B (E). Please update my new EMIT: 532524
B or E
E rata
A, emit 530358
Nilkka nyrjähti aika pahasti sulkapallossa. Sivussa varmaan lopun kevään.
B (or A), emit 270204
A: Markus, Toni, Tuomas, Tuomo
B: Aliisa, Mikko, Pasi (waiting for +1)
E: Emmi, Teemu (+2)
Juha - Hoping for speedy recovery. I was impressed by your in-socks-running this week 8-)
E rata
B, emit 264511
Thanks! To avoid any misunderstanding: running on socks was not voluntary but forced by blisters. I should have tested those shoes elsewhere first.
Jos meinaa tulla tungosta, voin skipata tämän ja yrittää keksiä jotain selkäystävällisempää aktiviteettia
E rata käy mulle myös jos tarvetta!
Perfect match:
A: Markus, Toni, Tuomas, Tuomo
B: Aliisa, Ella, Mikko, Pasi
E: Anders, Emmi, Pauli, Teemu
Would be nice if someone could give me a ride, from Otaniemi or Leppävaara
Mä lähden Otaniemestä huomenna autolla ehkä about klo 17
Olen myös autolla tänään, lähtö Otaniemestä n. 16.30
B - this is a bit of a question mark, I should be back early in helsinki
B or E
B (A if needed). 48 56 44
B (E). Please update my new EMIT: 532524
E rata ok.
Remember to register by about noon on Monday, I hope that we would get 4 more names. Now it looks like:
A: Juha, Markus, Tuomas (hopefully +1)
B: Aliisa, Henrik, Mikko/Pasi (+1)
E: Anders, Pasi/Mikko (+2)
E. I don't have a car tomorrow so I would need a ride to get to Solvalla.
I could also use a ride.
B/A/E, emit 528869.
Starting from Tuomarila, asking for a ride OR offering for max. 2 persons with short legs (or readiness to sit knees in mouth, maybe not completely impossible with this distance)
If someone needs a VTT O-top just let me know - four shirts are still available: 2pcs in size M, 1 in XL & one in XXL.
I'd prefer a ride from Otaniemi if possible.
I plan to take a car with place for up to 4 additional persons. However, I will leave early so that I can star as soon as the start is opened, and I will return to Tapiola or Otaniemi as soon as possible as well. But will take anyone that is ready to return, of course. I will start from Micronova parking around 15:45 as there are roadworks and there is a 2 km hike to the start. Please let me know by SMS if you would like a ride.
My telephone no is 0405011822
Edit: two shirts left, in sizes XL & 2XL
Made some arrangments so I'll have a car and plan to use it. Leaving from Leppävaara somewhere between 16:00-17:00 (negotiable). Pauli - I can pick you from Tuomarila. If someone else needs a ride send a message e.g. through whatsapp (0405361224).
Aliisa could also pick you up. Could you come somewhere close to the Turunväylä/Kehä I crossroad?
A: Juha, Markus, Pauli, Toni
B: Aliisa, Henrik, Mikko, Pasi
E: Anders, Rosa, Tommi
Rosa ja Tommi, teiltä ei ole Emit-numeroa. Jos on omat, ilmoittakaa numero infossa (ja ensi kerraksi tänne) tai sitten otatte laina-emitit.
Ei ole omaa emittiä, lainalaitteella mennään.
I'm taking a car from Etelä-Haaga around 16:20. I'll have telco at Solvalla between 17:00-18:00 and then go orienteer, so I'll be driving back relatively late and I can give a ride to anyone still there. Drop off to Otaniemi also possible.
Menen myös laina-emitillä.
Täällä on 11km asvalttityö Solvallaan vievällä tiellä. Voi olla siis ruuhkaa ja jonoja matkalla.
Olipas hienoa nähdä VTTn graafisen ohjeistuksen mukaisia paitoja maastossa ja kilpailukeskuksessa eilen :) Minulta puuttui ensin "seura" mutta nyt kaikki näyttäisi olevan kunnossa. Kiitos sille joka on mahdollisesti pyytänyt korjausta. Tasaisen mukavasti etenin eilen kunnes tuli viimeinen rasti, useita minuutteja tuli vietettyä siinä rinteessä.. 🤦🏻
Can't make it unfortunately - but I could use a shirt.
I will join bit late. Meeting until 11:30.
Palavereja molemmin puolin. Mutta mielellään otan paidan jos mahdollista!
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